A HUGE Thank you to our Niangua church partners for chipping in and providing supplies for students in grades PK-6th grade!
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
Where's my supply list?
Don't miss out on a great learning opportunity! Back to School Bookcamp with Ms. Bailey Totten is available to all 4th-6th graders. Camp runs August 1-11th with both 8:30-11:30 AM and 1-4 PM sessions. Sign up by emailing btotten@nianguaschools.com Don't miss your chance to beat the summer slide!
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
Tomorrow's the day; let's make it a great one! Don't forget it is early dismissal at 12:36. You will need a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, and tennis shoes.
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
Last Day of School
IT'S TIME! MAP testing begins for the elementary Wednesday! Attendance is CRUCIAL! We will start at 8:15 and finish one content area each day! They have been working hard and are ready to show what they know. Get some rest and DO YOUR BEST!
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
MAP Test Image
Mark your calendars! It's almost time to celebrate our SUPER students! The Elementary Awards Assembly will be May 23rd at 2:45 in the new gym.
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
Super Awards Assembly
Niangua Elementary Kindergarten Graduation is Friday, May 19th at 2:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Lori Allen
Kindergarten Grad Announcement
Welcome to our new website!
almost 2 years ago, Niangua R-V School District
stack of books with a tablet on top
District Basketball Update Boys 2/20 6pm @ Chadwick vs Exeter Girls 2/21 6pm @ Halfway vs Halfway The finals of the girl's bracket will be at SBU on Saturday, 2/25
almost 2 years ago, Niangua R-V School District
NCTA (Niangua Community Teacher's Association) got inspiration and input from art club students for their t-shirt design. Vada Echols design idea was chosen for their t-shirt fundraiser. She was provided a free shirt for her creative idea!
almost 2 years ago, Niangua R-V School District