A HUGE Thank you to our Niangua church partners for chipping in and providing supplies for students in grades PK-6th grade!

Don't miss out on a great learning opportunity! Back to School Bookcamp with Ms. Bailey Totten is available to all 4th-6th graders. Camp runs August 1-11th with both 8:30-11:30 AM and 1-4 PM sessions. Sign up by emailing btotten@nianguaschools.com Don't miss your chance to beat the summer slide!

Tomorrow's the day; let's make it a great one! Don't forget it is early dismissal at 12:36. You will need a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, and tennis shoes.

IT'S TIME! MAP testing begins for the elementary Wednesday! Attendance is CRUCIAL! We will start at 8:15 and finish one content area each day! They have been working hard and are ready to show what they know. Get some rest and DO YOUR BEST!

Mark your calendars! It's almost time to celebrate our SUPER students! The Elementary Awards Assembly will be May 23rd at 2:45 in the new gym.

Niangua Elementary Kindergarten Graduation is Friday, May 19th at 2:30 pm.

Welcome to our new website!

District Basketball Update
Boys 2/20 6pm @ Chadwick vs Exeter
Girls 2/21 6pm @ Halfway vs Halfway
The finals of the girl's bracket will be at SBU on Saturday, 2/25

NCTA (Niangua Community Teacher's Association) got inspiration and input from art club students for their t-shirt design. Vada Echols design idea was chosen for their t-shirt fundraiser. She was provided a free shirt for her creative idea!