Junior High volleyball practice has been canceled tonight, Friday, February 16th.
about 1 year ago, Clint Gazette
This week, we'd like to recognize Mrs. Clark! If you'd like to shout out a Niangua staff member, you can email our curriculum director at sravens@nianguaschools.com or complete the form at the following link: https://bit.ly/NianguaStaffShoutOuts
about 1 year ago, Samm Ravens
2/16 SSO
Our phones and internet are up and running again. Thank you for your patience!
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Don't forget, our chili cook off is tonight at 5:30 in the cafeteria! The cost of dinner is $5 for adults, $2 for students. All proceeds benefit our chapter of Care to Learn!
about 1 year ago, Samm Ravens
Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Niangua R-5 School District will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth below, to wit: Place: Niangua School Library Date: February 15th, 2024 Time: 6:30 P.M. The tentative agenda for such an open public session is attached. Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Dr. David Baker 301 Rumsey Street Niangua, MO 65713 417-473-6101 Use the link below to access the tentative agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17p1J_1NWc4rasSDjWYlGXNEm8oVWgBstg-h_0hh5E64/edit?usp=sharing The public is welcome and invited to attend. As a reminder, the Patron Comment section is available for district residents and staff to speak on any topic listed on the agenda. District residents and staff are welcome to contact Dr. Baker to add an item to the Board Agenda.
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Board Meeting Notice
Elementary and Middle School Parents and Students, Need a reading buddy? Read along with a teacher tonight. One School, One Book! The Motorcycle Mouse Chapters 1 & 2. Click link below https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18GAJo3to4L7CLT7639gbLPql6Q1J-YMNl6TYjEPxLsg/edit#gid=0
about 1 year ago, Clint Gazette
Kicking off One Book One School today with the classic The Mouse and the Motorcycle! Read Chapter 1 tonight to answer the trivia tomorrow to earn house points. Happy reading!
about 1 year ago, Lori Allen
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
This order form will go home with your child this next week. The t-shirt orders support the 8th grade class, as they are saving for future trips and prom (junior year). Sizes S-1X are $20; add $2 for 2x-3x. If you would like to order, you can fill out the form and send it back with your child's teacher, or you may email Mrs. Laskowski at dlaskowski@nianguaschools.com. Please include the following in your order: -Name -T-shirt choice -Size -Phone Number for contact All orders and payments must be in by February 29th. If you order through email, you may leave your payment with the front office to be sent to Mrs. Laskowski. Checks may be made payable to Niangua Schools with a memo for Class of 2028.
about 1 year ago, Desiree Laskowski
Order Form
Order Details
Due to the possibility of slick roads, Monday School for Feb 12 is canceled. Also, money for candygrams and flowers must turned in on Tuesday. They will be delivered Wed. If the weather cancels school Tuesday, money will be due Wednesday and they will be passed out Thursday. Thanks for supporting our seniors and for being flexible! Contact Mrs. Cullen with questions!
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Several community members came together this morning to reinforce the backstop on the baseball field. This looks beautiful. Bring on spring. #nhscardinals #cardsrock
about 1 year ago, Clint Gazette
This week we're celebrating our counselors! Mrs. Callaway and the media club put together a heartfelt video about how our counselors make our student's days better. You can view that here: https://bit.ly/NianguaCounselors
about 1 year ago, Samm Ravens
SSO 2/9
We just received word from the city that our water will be off for an hour. They will bring up water bottles for our students and staff. We will keep you all updated if this lasts longer than an hour. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Congratulations to the January Cardinal P.R.I.D.E. Students of the Month: 5-Matilda, 4-Sawyer, 2-Ada, 1-Jeb, K-Naomi, 3-Colton. They set a marvelous example for everyone! Keep up the great work!
about 1 year ago, Lori Allen
Students of the Month
Just a reminder that the Niangua R-V Board of Education will meet next Thursday, February 15th at 6:30PM in the district library. The agenda will be made available when finalized next week. Contact Dr. Baker with any questions or concerns.
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Board Meeting 2/15
We offered something new this week to our students for lunch; they will now have access to our salad bar! This is only for 6-12 students for now, and will be expanded to elementary students later on.
about 1 year ago, David Baker
salad bar
salad bar
salad bar
Super Bowl Spirit Week starts tomorrow! Join the fun! GO CHIEFS!
about 1 year ago, Lori Allen
Super Bowl Spirit Week
This week, we'd like to recognize Mrs. Callaway! If you'd like to shout out a Niangua staff member, you can find the form at the following link: https://bit.ly/NianguaStaffShoutOuts
about 1 year ago, Samm Ravens
SSO 2/2
Good Afternoon, We will have another informational meeting to discuss the upcoming April ballot and Proposition 345 (Tax Levy Increase). The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 6th at 5:30PM. We will be in the Small (Old) Gym. Feel free to stop by and ask any question you may have about Proposition 345! Dr. Baker will also be available during the basketball game that evening for those who cannot attend the meeting. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, David Baker
Tax Levy Meeting
Yesterday, we celebrated our middle school students of the month for January: Bryson, Temperence, and Austin (not pictured). These students were nominated by their teachers and praised for their resilience, positive attitudes, and willingness to support their peers. We appreciate their efforts!
about 1 year ago, Samm Ravens
Join us Feb 15th at 5:30 pm for a chili cook-off fundraiser for Care to Learn! Come taste & judge for $5 ($2 for students), or enter your chili for $15! Prizes for winners! Cooks sign up here: https://bit.ly/3SEUqVw
about 1 year ago, Lori Allen
chili cook off