Niangua 99 Lamar 79.
Cardinals-champs of the 2023 Walnut Grove Tournament.
Great fans, coaching, & some of the best team basketball I have seen.
All-tourny Kochs, Scheetz, & MVP Henderson. The other 4 that play are perfect for this group. Do the little things, & you will go far

Big win for the Niangua Cardinals. Big plays from the starting 5. Excellent role players coming off the bench, doing their job. Coach Copling, that was a master level job.
Cheer going to be loud Friday (7:30pm), bring the energy you brought tonight.

Another great effort at the WG holiday tournament. Marionville tried to take away Henderson & Scheetz, so Stuber, Kochs, and Dunn took over early in the first half. Comets had to help and that's when all the boys got hot. Play Eldo in the winners semifinal. Wednesday 6pm at WG.

Big 3rd quarter helps Niangua boys advance to 2nd round winner's bracket game. Balanced atrack and 32 3rd quarter points put the game out of reach.
See you tomorrow night at 7:30pm at WALNUT GROVE. Great job to everyone involved. Loved the positive energy on the bench.

We are officially on holiday break! See you next year! Teachers return on January 8th, and students on the 9th.

Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Niangua R-5 School District will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth below, to wit:
Place: Niangua School Library
Date: December 21st, 2023
Time: 6:30 P.M.
The tentative agenda for such an open public session is attached.
Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
Dr. David Baker
301 Rumsey Street
Niangua, MO 65713
Use the link below to access the tentative agenda:
The public is welcome and invited to attend. As a reminder, the Patron Comment section is available for district residents and staff to speak on any topic listed on the agenda. District residents and staff are welcome to contact Dr. Baker to add an item to the Board Agenda.


Hey Cardinals, in case you haven't been paying attention, people are starting to notice our Boy's basketball team.

Please, join us for the Christmas Concert on Tuesday, December 19th at 6 pm. Students in K-5 and the High School Choir will be performing classic Christmas carols.

Don't forget to RSVP for House Bingo on Friday, December 15trh from 5:30-7:00: https://forms.gle/6PQwQT2xy6Y1kPun8 or return your paper form. The cost is $0.25 per card and the winner takes half plus earns a FREE card for everyone in their house.

The Niangua School Board will elect three positions in April 2024. Beginning today, persons interested in declaring candidacy may file an application with the superintendent's office. Details regarding the filing window can be found in the attached notice; it is recommended you bring a driver's license for the notarization process. Please contact the superintendent's office with any questions.

Picture Retake Day is Dec. 7th. Unhappy with yours? Return your package to get them redone. Absent on picture day? You can still order at https://inter-state.com/Order. Use order code 80705RF. Winter sports pictures will also be taken at this time.

Progress Reports for grades 1-5 were sent home today along with House Happenings and Bingo Night RSVP. You can send your paper form back or go digital at https://forms.gle/fjwHpZPKiTRUt3sHA.

Our cafeteria staff is getting in the festive spirit today! We appreciate all of their hard work and dedication to making sure our students are well fed.

The Niangua R-V School District is accepting bids on the following item:
2004 Chevrolet Express 3500 Minibus
14 Passenger
Bus Details: Chevy 6.01 Gasoline Engine, 108,631Miles
Bids must be received in the Niangua R-V District Office no later than 4:00PM on Friday,
December 15th, 2023.
All proposals must be sealed and marked “BUS BID”
Please mail or deliver sealed bids to:
Dr. David Baker, Superintendent
Niangua R-V School District
301 Rumsey Street
Niangua, MO 65713
Use the link below to see the official announcement:
Thank you!

Reminder 9th-11th grade book reports are due soon!

We are officially on Thanksgiving BREAK! No school next week. We will see you all again on Tuesday, November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!

We sent home the advance notice of the 12 Days of Christmas and the dates are not correct. It starts on December 5th! Check FB, the App, or your email for a corrected version. Sorry for the confusion.

The Boys Basketball HOME opener is Monday, Nov. 20th. JV starts at 5:30 followed by Varsity. WEAR YOUR RED!