The Niangua R-V Board of Education will hold their regular meeting Thursday, Nov. 16th at 6:30pm in the library. Use the link below to access the agenda.
The public is welcome and invited to attend. As a reminder, the Patron Comment section is available for district residents to speak on any topic listed on the agenda. District residents are welcome to contact Dr. Baker to add an item to the Board agenda.

6th graders worked on finding evidence and their inferencing skills in Mrs. Laskowski’s English class by solving a mystery case file on Friday.

Congratulations to the following elementary students for being selected October Cardinal PRIDE Students of the Month: K-Camilla Almendarez (not pictured), 4th-Aspyn Bouvia, 5th-Kyle McGlothlin, 3rd-Gabby Woodruff, 1st-Xavier Timm, 2nd-Derrick Crandall. They continue to set great examples for others to follow!

Good afternoon,
On October 6th, 2023, the Niangua ELEM School rolled out the House System as a strategy to engage students. We have heard various comments about the the new House System, but we want to make sure we have not missed any feedback.
To measure the success of the House System, we will be utilizing academic data collected from IXL and NWEA assessments, discipline data from office referrals, and social/emotional data collected from student surveys conducted each semester.
Our intention is to review this program in January in conjunction with IXL and NWEA assessments. We will review again at the end of the school year. Your input is vital as we determine our next steps.
We hope this will provide some clarity and direction as we look into the next steps for this program. The links below will provide more information regarding the House program.
Please take 10 minutes to fill out this form and let us hear your feedback about the program in general. All responses will remain anonymous and will be utilized for the sole purpose of constant evaluation of our programs.
Thank you!
Dr. Baker

The annual Title 1 meeting will be held Thursday, Nov. 16th at 5:00 in the cafeteria. All parents and community members are welcome!

Just got these in. In case you didn't know, Colton finished 18th in the State Middle School Cross Country Championships. Congrats Colton on a great season.

State Cross Country results.
Great season David and all runners this year. Everyone improved their time from the previous year and from the beginning of the season. Thanks for all of your hardwork.

We would love to see you next Friday at our Veterans Day program. Thank you to all those who have served.

Due to a propane truck turning over on Highway M and leaking propane, I have made this decision to dismiss all students following lunch. State Highway Patrol has already evacuated homes around the spill and has recommended we do the same per hazmat recommendations. Bus drivers have been notified and will be here to run normal routes. We will be dismissing at 12:41PM. There will be no afternoon activities or athletic practices today, 10/31/23.
The decision to dismiss early is never an easy one. The safety of our students and staff will always be our priority and the basis for this decision.
Thank you.

Due to the cold, the costume parade will be in the old gym! We will livestream on FB. Tune in and take a peek!

MSHSAA - Ticket and course information for State Cross Country Meet
Tickets - https://www.mshsaa.org/Tickets.aspx

State Cross Country Meet November 3rd @9am
Fieldhouse location 4251 Phillips Farm Road Columbia MO.
Link to additional information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri_rYz73uww
PDF https://www.mshsaa.org/resources/Activities/CrossCountry/ChampPresentation.pdf

First practice for HS Cheer is tomorrow from 8:30-10am. Bring physical and uniform orders. Let's GO!

Coach Copling is in the dunk tank! Join us at the Fall Carnival for games, a chili supper, a cake walk, a silent auction, a haunted house, and other fun sponsored by your Cardinal classes and clubs. The carnival will be running until 8:30. We look forward to seeing you!

The Niangua R-V Board of Education will hold a Special Session/MSBA Workshop on Thursday, Oct. 26th at 5:00PM in the Library.
The agenda is attached in the link below.

Come support our school clubs and organizations this Friday, October 27th from 5:30-8:30 pm!
Ticket prices and game costs are attached.

Congratulations to our new National Honor Society members! (A few returning members are pictured showing their support.)
New members are chosen based on these qualites: scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Congratulations to Clayton Henderson, Josie DeSha,
Ashleigh Vestal, Jodee Deckard, Katie Dixon, Coral Rich, and Tanier Dunn!

Please join us for the Fall Carnival on Friday! This event supports our school clubs and organizations. A ticket price sheet will be posted later.

Red Ribbon Week is here! Be kind to your mind; live drug-free. See Facebook, Niangua R-V App, Elementary Calendar, or flyer for details! Earn House points for dressing up. Can't wait to see your school spirit!

FBLA is hosting the Annual Haunted House on Friday Oct 27th and Saturday Oct 28th. Make plans to come and support the kids during the carnival and then bring the family back the next night!