The Niangua chapter of Care to Learn is currently selling t-shirts with the attached logo. All proceeds from the sale will go to benefit our chapter. You can print a copy of the form using the following link: https://bit.ly/CTLShirt (link is case sensitive). Order forms have also been sent home with students grades k - 8 and are available for pick up at the front office.

Picture Day is coming up on September 20th! You can order your student's photos before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/88088EF.

Fall Sports Schedule - Week of Sept. 2nd

In addition to our traditional lunch menu and charge system, the Niangua Kitchen Staff will be implementing a la carte options beginning this Tuesday. These items will be cash and carry only. Options, which will vary daily, include sandwiches/burgers, hot dogs, corn dogs, and a slice of pizza.

Fellows Lake (Strafford Cross Country)
David Stuber 19:16 (20th)
Still have time to join and get races in to qualify for districts. I mean, check out the scenery.

Good luck to our Cardinals as we kick off the fall sports season on Saturday!

The Athletic Department is accepting bids for the logo light currently in the gym lobby. The highest bid submitted to Jennifer Callaway by 4pm on Friday September 13th will be notified to arrange payment and pickup.
Bids need to be emailed to jcallaway@nianguaschools.com.

Save the date for this year's See You At The Pole event. Jason Whittington will bring a short message at 7:30am on Wednesday, Sept. 25th. All students, faculty and community members are invited to attend.

UPDATED Volleyball Schedule for the 2024 Season as well as the schedule for the Koshkonong Tournament on 8/31/2024.

The Niangua school community would like to extend a warm welcome to our instructional staff members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please join us in welcoming Mr. CJ Davison, our high school PE, health, and history teacher.

The Niangua Athletic Booster Club is excited to announce that we are now accepting sponsorships for the 2024-25 season!
Your support helps provide essential resources for our student-athletes, from new equipment to travel expenses and beyond. 🌟 Whether you're a local business, a proud parent, or a community member who believes in the power of athletics, there’s a sponsorship level that’s perfect for you!
Interested in partnering with us? Check out the attached forms to see how you can get involved and make a difference. Together, we can keep our teams strong and support their journey to success. 💪📈
For any questions or more information, feel free to reach out to us directly.
Let’s make this season the best one yet! 🎉

The fall sports season kicks off contests this week. Schedule for fall season are available on the school website. All games/meets are subject to change. Those changes will be communicated by the coaching staff as soon as they are known.

The Niangua R-V School District will be accepting applications starting August 27th, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. until September 10th, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. to appoint an individual to serve until the April 2025 School Board Election.
Persons interested in serving on the Niangua R-V School Board may stop by the Central Office or contact Dr. David Baker or Melissa Phillips at 417-473-6101 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday to receive an application.
The official notice, qualifications, and application can be accessed by using the link below:

The Niangua school community would like to extend a warm welcome to our instructional staff members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please join us in welcoming our CTE staff. Mrs. Allison Horne is our Ag teacher; Mrs. Jennifer Callaway is our business teacher; and Mrs. Angelia Kochs is our FACS teacher.

The Niangua school community would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming instructional staff members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please join us in welcoming back Mr. Randy Littrell, our secondary science teacher, and Mrs. Cynthia Carnall, our secondary special education teacher.

The Free & Reduced Price Meal Forms went home with students this week. Please fill out one form per family, unless you received a letter about your student's status prior to school beginning. These forms need to be turned in as soon as possible to Gina in the office.

Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Niangua R-5 School District will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth below, to wit:
Place: Niangua School Cafeteria
Date: August 23rd, 2024
Time: 6:15 P.M. (Tax Rate Hearing) 6:30 P.M. (Regular Session
The tentative agenda for such an open public session is attached. Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
Dr. David Baker
301 Rumsey Street
Niangua, MO 65713
Use the link below to access the tentative agenda:
Use the link below to access the official meeting notice:
The public is welcome and invited to attend. As a reminder, the Patron Comment section is available for district residents and staff to speak on any topic listed on the agenda. District residents and staff are welcome to contact Dr. Baker to add an item to the Board Agenda.

The Niangua school community would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming instructional staff members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please join us in welcoming our K-12 specials instructional team. Mrs. Karen Stoneking is teaching K-12 PE; Ms. Amanda Wood is our K-12 librarian and high school English teacher; Ms. Madison Donnalley is our K-12 art teacher; and Dr. Jackie Lordo is teaching K-12 music.

The Niangua school community would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming instructional staff members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please join us in welcoming two new members of our math instructional team: Mr. Gabe Leyba and Mr. Jace Baxter.

Dear Niangua Elementary Parents,
We are very excited to welcome our students back for the first day of school! To ensure a smooth and safe start, we wanted to share some important information with you.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures:
Parents will not be able to walk their students to class or wait with them inside the school. Due to strict maximum occupancy numbers and fire code regulations, we cannot accommodate all students and their parents in our spaces.
Please drop your student off at the cafeteria door. If you plan on using the car line, please remain in your vehicle. If you need to exit your car for any reason, we kindly ask that you park in a designated parking space. This will help us keep the flow of traffic moving, ensuring an efficient and safe car line.
Boohoo Breakfast:
We understand that the first day of school can be emotional, so we are hosting a "Boohoo Breakfast" in the Library until 7:45. We invite you to join us after dropping off your child. Simply enter through the High School front doors and make your way to the Library, where we'll be providing mini muffins and coffee.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to make the first day a success.
Best regards,
Niangua School Administration